Sunday, November 2, 2008

Calling ALL Christians!

Okay so Im coming to you with this pretty late and without much notice..I have wanted to get on here days ago and ask you to do something ..BUT being the procrastinator that I I am:) Okay so as everyone knows the elections are on tues. and it scares me to death to think what would happen if Obama gets in office..I know I don't talk about politics much here on my blog..frankly I am sick and tired of politics..I wish we could just keep the President we have now and not worry about it..but its not the case. I know People may say "What's the big deal? its just an election! But its so much bigger than that and I think as Christians we NEED to rally together and fast and pray these next couple of days..which is exactly why Im on here. Starting tonight (Sunday) at midnight...monday 12:00AM we are starting a fast that is won't be ending till Tues. at 5:00PM...Please if you will join us in is more important than I can express! It kind of reminds me of the story in the Bible when where Abraham begged God not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and God told him that if he found only ten people faithful that he would not destroy the land for their sake. Yes Gomorrah was destroyed but not b/c God wasn't willing to give them a chance it was b/c there werent even ten people found faithful. I know you are probably saying "what in the world does Sodom and Gomorrah have to do with this election?" and my answer is EVERYTHING! if Obama gets in office I believe it will be the desruction of us all! Its no secret he is muslim and no doubt WILL be coming after us Christians!! So this tues is not only a political battle..IT IS a Spiritual battle and we need EVERY Chritian to rally and pray with us!! Will God find enough people faithful enough to fast and pray and give America another chance?! You decide!